Everybody Loves a Clown

(Amigo 5001) Steve Park


Sides Face Grand Square
Everybody loves a clown So why donŐt you?

Everybody laughs at the things that I say and do
Allemande left your corner Weave the ring
They all laugh when they see me coming
Swing Promenade

Everybody loves a clown so why cant you?


FIGURE Basic, corner progression

Heads / Sides

Promenade half way around

Square thru 4 hands

Swing thru Boys run

Couples Circulate Half tag

Swing that corner Promenade
Everybody loves a clown so why cant you?




Sides Face Grand Square

I joke around at a party when you are there

You donŐt look you donŐt laugh you just donŐt care
Allemande left and Weave the ring
If ya wonder why this clown is crying

Take a closer look inside Im dying

Its not easy to be in love you see



Sides Face Grand Square

I donŐt know how to say I love you

Cause you would smile and say tell a joke or two

Allemande your corner and weave round the ring

Yes Im a clown I donŐt want to be  

Why cant you see the other side of me

I guess Ill be the guy who plays the part of the clown with the broken heart